Tag Archives: Latest operating systems









It’s being many years since we have not experienced any new operating system from a new company. We have experienced Windows based OS, Apple based OS, Ubuntu and few others. These all operating systems are more like the same except Ubuntu which is an open source OS for developers. Unlike Ubuntu OS most of other operating systems are market based profit earning systems which are more product oriented eventhough customers reviews and thoughts were taken. Ubuntu OS gave developpers to access the source code and develop many interesting features which are dedveloped according to customers demands from different regions. According to many source of news in many countries they have developed Ubuntu open source OS for their use to reduce huge cost which they have to spend on buying licence on other operating systems.
Microsoft and Apple based OS are the real competitors for the past years. They have come up with new features and innovations which gave satisfaction to users like us. One of the most promising OS from Microsoft is Windows 7 & Windows XP Which are bug free in many ways. Apple OS, in other hand, is a virus free OS in many different ways compare to Windows OS.

Competition always grows in a free market. One of the example for this is the new coming and challenging Google operating system which was announce and to be released in few months. Unlike any other operating system Google operating system, Chrome OS, it is based on cloud computing. Many years back developpers had this idea but they were unsure whether it will be a successful way to run an OS on such a way. But today Google have come up with this new innovative technique to challenge the OS development

Today Chrome OS have put the pressure on hardware developing companies to set a feet on the line where Chrome stand. It is something that had never happened in the past. It means we will be experiencing new ideas of hardware development which will make the market so competitive and efficient. More than that we will be able to enjoy much more advantages.

As the Chrome OS appears customers do not have to spend huge cost on upgrading hardwares. Because every hardware which we need will be on cloud. For example external hard drive and internal hard drive which we use today also will be in cloud. We will get unlimited storage facilities in a cloud computing which will minimize the use of thumb drives and Hard Drives for storage facilities. More than that Chrome will be always connected to the cloud and we do not have to think about carrying from one place to other. It will be any where we go. We will be able to access everything we do, we share, we store on anywhere we access Chrome OS. So, to day, the tech market is really very interesting and promising enough to make us feel good.

Thanx for the Goolge Guys.